VLP即Virus Like Particle,是由一种或多种病毒衣壳蛋白自动组装形成的微小纳米颗粒,具有很好的包封分子的能力。VLP展示多次跨膜蛋白是将多次跨膜蛋白展示在VLP表面,不仅维持了多次跨膜蛋白的正确构象,同时具备较强的免疫原性,在抗体发现中具有极大优势。


恺佧生物成功开发出一系列VLP展示的多次跨膜蛋白产品,靶点涵盖Claudin 18.2、GPRC5D、Claudin 6、CD20等多种靶点,突破了此类蛋白制备困难、可溶性低的技术壁垒,且具有更强的免疫原性,产品均经过严格的生物学活性验证,可满足客户不同场景需求。同时,为了实现SPR等更多场景的开发应用,恺佧生物特别开发出定点生物素化的VLP超级蛋白产品,具有高灵敏度、高特异性及高稳定性特点,适合多种分析方法。
Fig. 1 Immobilized Human Claudin 18.2 VLP at 5 μg/ml (100 μl/Well). Dose response curve for Anti-Claudin 18.2 Antibody, hFc Tag with the EC50 of 9.8 ng/ml determined by ELISA.
Fig. 2 Biotinylated Human Claudin 18.2 VLP captured on CM5 Chip via Streptavidin can bind Anti-Claudin 18.2 Antibody with an affinity constant of 1.28 nM as determined in SPR assay.
Fig. 3 Immobilized Human Claudin 6 VLP at 5 μg/ml (100 μl/Well). Dose response curve for Anti-Claudin 6 Antibody, mFc Tag with the EC50 of 2.5 ng/ml determined by ELISA.
Fig. 4 Biotinylated Human Claudin 6 VLP captured on CM5 Chip via Streptavidin can bind Anti-Claudin 6 Antibody with an affinity constant of 0.65 nM as determined in SPR assay.


Fig. 5 Immobilized Human GPRC5D Nanodisc, His Tag at 2 μg/ml (100 μl/well) on the plate. Dose response curve for Anti-GPRC5D Antibody, hFc Tag with the EC50 of 4.9 ng/ml determined by
Fig. 6 Human GPRC5D Nanodisc, His Tag captured on CM5 Chip via anti-his antibody can bind Anti-GPRC5D Antibody with an affinity constant of 1.47 nM as determined in SPR assay.
Fig. 7 Immobilized Human CD3E&CD3D, His Tag at 2 μg/ml (100 μl/well) on the plate, add serial dilutions of Anti-Human CD3×GPRC5D Bispecific Antibody, hFc Tag and then add Biotinylated Human GPRC5D Nanodisc, His Tag at 5 μg/ml. Detection was performed using HRP-conjugated streptavidin with the EC50 of 0.28 μg/ml determined by ELISA.
Fig. 8 Loaded Biotinylated Human GPRC5D Nanodisc, His Tag on SA-Biosensor, can bind Anti-GPRC5D Antibody with an affinity constant of 1.16 nM as determined in BLI assay.


Fig. 9 Immobilized Human CD3E&CD3D at 5 μg/ml (100 μl/well) on the plate, add serial dilutions of Anti-Human CD3XGPRC5D bispecific antibody in 60% human serum and then add various dilution ratio of biotinylated human GPRC5D VLP. Detection was performed using HRP-conjugated streptavidin with the EC50 of 0.28 μg/ml determined by ELISA. The backcalculation bias is less than 20%, and the sensitivity of the method can reach 6.6 ng/ml.
Fig. 10 lmmobilized Human Claudin 6 VLP at 2 μg/ml (100 μl/well) on the plate. Add serial dilutions of Anti-Claudin 6 Antibody in 60% human serum. Detection was performed using HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse antibody with the EC50 of 4.5 ng/ml determined by ELISA. The back calculation bias is less than 25%, and the sensitivity of the method can reach 0.7 ng/ml.
货号 蛋白名称 种属 标签 表达系统
CLD-HM0P37 Claudin 18.2 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM0P38B Biotinylated Claudin 18.2 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM0P9 FITC-equivalent Claudin 18.2 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
GPR-HM05P GPRC5D VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
GPR-HM05PB Biotinylated GPRC5D VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
GPR-CM05P GPRC5D VLP Cynomolgus N/A HEK293 立即询价
GPR-MM05P GPRC5D VLP Mouse N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM006 Claudin 6 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM006B Biotinylated Claudin 6 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-CM006 Claudin 6 VLP Cynomolgus N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-MM006 Claudin 6 VLP Mouse N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM009 Claudin 9 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM104 Claudin 4 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CNR-HM001 Cannabinoid receptor 1 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
STR-HM002 SSTR2 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
TSF-HM002 TM4SF1 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CD2-HM122 CD20 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CCR-HM02B CCR2b VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CCR-HM02BB Biotinylated CCR2b VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
VLP-HM00C Envelop VLP Control Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
GPR-HM05CB Biotinylated VLP Control Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
GPR-HM15P GPRC5D Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
GPR-HM45PB Biotinylated GPRC5D Nanodisc Human C-His-Avi HEK293 立即询价
CD2-HM1N37 CD20 Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
CCR-HM107 CCR7 Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
A2R-HM1N1 A2AR Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
STR-HM1N1 SSTR2 Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
TSF-HM00N TM4SF1 Nanodisc Human N-His HEK293 立即询价
LGR-HM10N LGR-4 Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM182FB FITC-equivalent Biotinylated Claudin 18.2 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CD2-HM0P10B FITC-equivalent Biotinylated Human CD20 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
SL7-HM0P29 FITC-equivalent Human SLC7A1 VLP Human N/A HEK293 立即询价
CON-HM0P34 FITC-equivalent VLP Control N/A N/A HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM40NB Biotinylated Claudin 18.2 Nanodisc Human N-His, C-Avi HEK293 立即询价
CLD-HM10N FITC-equivalent Claudin 18.2 Nanodisc Human N-His HEK293 立即询价
CR4-HM1N122 FITC-equivalent CCR4 Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价
CD33-HM1N144 CD133 Nanodisc Human C-His HEK293 立即询价